Governor’s Substance Abuse & Violent Crime Advisory Board was eliminated by Governor Mead in 2011.

Lack of cohesion in state statutes for sex crimes and the state’s sex offender registration.

Lack of data, research and best practices used to form the state’s sex offender policies and legislation.


A board or committee to study sex offender crimes and data and make policy recommendations to state government.


Many states have some type of sex offender management board that helps make policy decisions, sets standards for treatment and management, and some even make the decision on what risk level a sex offender should be assigned.

  • Formed in 2007, Colorado has the Sex Offender Treatment Board which develops “standards and guidelines for the assessment, evaluation, treatment and behavioral monitoring of sex offenders.”
  • Georgia has the Sexual Offender Risk Review Board whose sole purpose is to decide the risk classification of all sex offenders.
  • For many years, Washington has had the Washington State Sex Offender Policy Board to “assist policymakers in making informed judgments about issues related to sex offender policy.”
  • In 2011, Idaho formed the Sexual Offender Management Board to “develop, advance and oversee statewide sexual offender management policies and practices.” 

I served on the Governor’s Substance Abuse & Violent Crime Advisory Board from 2008-2011. It would be an ideal mechanism to listen to experts, collect data and make thoughtful evidence-based recommendations on sex offense related policies. However, that board no longer exists.

Unhappy with the board under the leadership of former Department of Corrections head Robert Lampert, Governor Mead axed the board when he came into office in 2011. As big and important this public safety issue is, one would think the presence of such a board would be crucial and helpful.

Such a group should have a diverse makeup of individuals representing the criminal justice system, government, treatment, victim advocacy, etc.