High-Risk Sex Offenders May Not Be High Risk Forever
Hanson, Harris & Thornton | March, 2014
Study examined 7,740 sex offenders from 21 samples over a 20 year period.
After 5 years, high-risk sex offenders had a 22% recidivism rate
Of those remaining in the community for ten years, the reoffense rate droped to only 4.2%
Low-risk offenders over the ten year period consistently had a low recidivism rates of betwen 1-5%.
- Myths about sex offenders having 80% recidivsm rates are complete nonsense
- Lifetime registry requirements are unwarranted as even high-risk offenders develop very low reoffense rates after 10 years in the community
- Low-risk offenders have very low reoffense rate and their presence on the registry is unneeded
As many as 40% of children who are sexually abused are abused by older, or more powerful children
Finkelhor, D. (2012). Characteristics of crimes against juveniles. Durham, NH: Crimes against Children Research Center.
70% of child sexual offenders have between one and 9 victims, while 20% have 10 to 40 victims
Finkelhor, D., Ormrod,R., Chaffin, M. (2009) Juveniles who commit sex offenses against minors. Juvenile Justice Bulletin, OJJDP, Office of Justice Programs
Results from contingency analyses suggest that several sex offenders are overclassified
Evaluating the Accuracy of SORNA: Testing for Classification Errors and Racial Bias
Out of 746 offenders who were release from prison for committing a sex crime, 27 (3.6%) of them were arrested and charged with a new sex crime within 5 years of their release.
Recidivism among sex offenders in Connecticut
State of Connecticut
Office of Policy and Management
February 15, 2012
Study found that 8% of 490 registered sex offenders in South Carolina had
Letourneau, Levenson, Bandyopadhyay, Sinha & Armstrong
September 2010
Results from contingency analyses suggest that several sex offenders are overclassified
Evaluating the Accuracy of SORNA: Testing for Classification Errors and Racial Bias
Recalibrating the Sex Offender Registration System Recalibrating the Sex Offender Registration System
Erin Schoenbeck Byre | April 2022
University of St. Thomas Law Journal
Modernized female sex offender typologies: Intrapsychic, behavioral, and trauma related domains
Mathew Gullotta, David Greenberg, Armita Adily, Jesse Cale & Tony G. Butler | 2020
Implications of sex offender classification on reporting demographic characteristics, health, and criminal careers: results from an Australian jurisdiction
The Characteristics of Persistent Sexual Offenders: A Meta-Analysis of Recidivism Studies
R. Karl Hanson & Kelly E. Morton-Bourgon | January, 2006
Modernized female sex offender typologies: Intrapsychic, behavioral, and trauma related domains
Mathew Gullotta, David Greenberg, Armita Adily, Jesse Cale & Tony G. Butler | 2020
Implications of sex offender classification on reporting demographic characteristics, health, and criminal careers: results from an Australian jurisdiction
The Characteristics of Persistent Sexual Offenders: A Meta-Analysis of Recidivism Studies
R. Karl Hanson & Kelly E. Morton-Bourgon | January, 2006
Modernized female sex offender typologies: Intrapsychic, behavioral, and trauma related domains
Mathew Gullotta, David Greenberg, Armita Adily, Jesse Cale & Tony G. Butler | 2020
Implications of sex offender classification on reporting demographic characteristics, health, and criminal careers: results from an Australian jurisdiction